Tradition. Ambition. Exploration. Inspiration.

As a University of Iowa student, you become part of something bigger. You discover that creativity, drive, curiosity, and passion can solve just about any problem. You leave here transformed, a member of the Hawkeye family. Iowa will change you. You will change the world.

Be part of it. Be a Hawkeye.

The University of Iowa has more than 30,000 students and a classic college campus where students pursue more than 100 areas of study, ranging from business and psychology to health care, engineering, and physics.

We offer nearly 600 student organizations, Big Ten athletics, and opportunities to participate in research, study abroad, and honors activities. Plus, The Insider's Guide to the Colleges says our campus is "gorgeous." Visit and find out why.

Request more information

We'll be happy to send you a copy of our viewbook and detailed information about the areas of study that interest you.

Visit campus

The best way to make an informed college choice is to visit campus. Our Admission Visitors Center welcomes prospective students and their families for large group events or individual visits tailored to your specific interests.

Apply for admission

Iowa has an online application for students pursuing degrees in more than 100 areas of study, so applying is easy. Visit our website for details about our Admission Requirements and Areas of Study.

Contact Admissions

If you have any questions about applying to the University of Iowa, visit the Admissions Website, call us at 319-335-3847 between 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays (Central Time), or send us an email at We're also on Facebook!