The counseling and behavioral health services major in the College of Education enhances broad liberal arts and sciences education for students by providing strong academic preparation designed to serve as a foundation in helping processes and human behavior.

Students learn to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills within various helping professions, preparing them for entry-level positions in nonprofit agencies, government agencies, community centers, clinics, and service navigation program.  The major also may serve as a foundation for future graduate study in counseling or students interested in professional licensure as a counselor.

Studying Counseling and Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) at Iowa 

Student Responsibilities

Review the responsibilities required to become and remain eligible for the 2 Plus 2 Guaranteed Graduation Plan.

Student Responsibilities

Iowa Valley Community College District checkpoints
  • Complete the world language requirement as needed for Iowa’s General Education CORE
  • Complete EDU 240 Educational Psychology or SDV 130 Career Planning
  • Complete all requirements for the AA degree
University of Iowa Checkpoints
  • Complete the UI courses required for this major and maintain a 2.00 Major and University of Iowa grade point average.
  • Complete at least half of the remaining semester hours needed for your major and degree during each of your two years at Iowa.  (A total of 30 semester hours of required core courses and elective are required for the CBHS major and 120 semester hours for the BA degree)

A current schedule of UI courses is available online via Iowa Student Information Services (MyUI).