The enterprise leadership major provides an option for students who want to focus on business leadership. The major presents a unique blend of skills, theory, and content, encouraging students to apply their knowledge and skills to entrepreneurial concepts and ventures. The program offers a combination of business and liberal arts approaches and allows students to hone their skills in communication and critical thinking.
Review the responsibilities required to become and remain eligible for the 2 Plus 2 Guaranteed Graduation Plan.
- Complete all requirements for the AA degree.
- Complete four semesters of the same world language (fourth-level proficiency).
- Foundation courses introduce students to the basic skills, tools, and concepts they will need for the major.
Option 1 (Both of these):
- MAT 121 College Algebra AND MAT 130 Trigonometry
Option 2 (One of these):
- MAT 129 Elementary Functions
- MAT 157 Statistics
- MAT 164 Calculus for Business and Social Science
- MAT 211 Calculus I
Economics (One of these):
- ECN 130 Principles of Microeconomics
- ECN 120 Principles of Macroeconomics
Sociology (This course):
- SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology
When transferring to Iowa, present a cumulative transfer grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.00 from all colleges attended.
- During the first semester at Iowa, the student and faculty advisor should agree upon a plan of study and focus area for completing the major requirements.
- Complete the UI courses required for this major, as specified in the UI General Catalog.
- Complete at least half of the remaining semester hours needed for your major and degree during each of your two years at Iowa. (A total of 44-47 semester hours is required for the Enterprise Leadership major and 120 semester hours for the BA degree.)
A current schedule of UI courses is available online via Iowa Student Information Services (MyUI).