Students who earn an Associate of Arts degree and successfully complete the designated courses outlined below with a minimum 2.75 cumulative grade-point-average (GPA) in all college-level coursework taken will transfer directly into the University of Iowa College of Public Health in junior standing.

Students participating in this program will be able to take CPH:1400 Fundamentals of Public Health and CPH:1600 Public Health Science: Inquiry and Investigation in Public Health, the traditional prerequisites for admission to the College, as co-requisites in the program.

The College of Public Health offers both a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degree.  Students interested in the Bachelor of Arts program will complete coursework in the social sciences and humanities, in addition to public health core courses.  Students interested in the Bachelor of Science will complete additional required course work in the natural sciences, mathematics, and computer sciences in addition to their public health course work.

Student Responsibilities

Review the responsibilities required to become and remain eligible for the 2 Plus 2 Guaranteed Graduation Plan.

Student Responsibilities

Eastern Iowa Community Colleges checkpoints

For the BA

  • Complete the fourth level of a single world language as needed for Iowa's General Education Program. The requirement may be filled by the appropriate high school work.
  • Complete all requirements for the AA degree.
  • When transferring to Iowa, present a cumulative transfer grade-point average of at least 2.00 from all colleges attended.
  • Complete the following course with a minimum 2.75 GPA:
    • BIO 114 General Biology I

For the BS

  • Complete the fourth level of a single world language as needed for Iowa's General Education Program. The requirement may be filled by the appropriate high school work.
  • Complete all requirements for the AA degree.
  • When transferring to Iowa, present a cumulative transfer grade-point average of at least 2.00 from all colleges attended.
  • Complete the following courses with a minimum 2.75 GPA:
    • BIO 114 General Biology I
    • BIO 115 General Biology II
    • CHM 122 Intro to General Chemistry
    • CHM 165 General Chemistry I OR CHM 166 General Chemistry I OR CHM 179 Principles of General Chemistry
    • MAT 210 Calculus I
University of Iowa Checkpoints

For the BA

  • Complete the UI courses required for this major, as specified in the UI General Catalog.
  • Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of public health coursework at the University of Iowa (A total of 45 s.h. of Public Health coursework and 120 s.h. are required for the BA degree).

For the BS

  • Complete the UI courses required for this major, as specified in the UI General Catalog.
  • Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of public health coursework at the University of Iowa (A total of 57 s.h. of Public Health coursework and 120 total s.h. are required for the BS degree).