Informatics Transfer Tips
Students may earn a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) in Informatics. Whether the major is a BA or a BS is dependent upon the cognate selected. The cognate is designed to provide additional context in which students may apply their computing knowledge.
BA cognate options include art, economics, geoinformatics, health informatics, human-computer interaction, linguistics, media, music, and social informatics.
BS cognate options include bioinformatics and medical informatics.
The informatics major takes a minimum of six semesters to complete; students should transfer no later than the beginning of their second year if they want to complete the major in four years.
All informatics BA and BS majors must complete a statistics course, which may be completed before transferring. Review the catalog requirements for the major for transferable options in statistics and for each cognate.
Transfer students with an AA degree from an Iowa Community College, or Black Hawk College in Illinois, will enter the University having fulfilled all of the General Education Program requirements (except World Language and Understanding Cultural Perspectives) in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Prospective transfer students should contact the University of Iowa Office of Admissions, 1-319-335-1566, for information about applying.
Prospective Informatics majors should contact Abbigail Baccam,, 1-319-335-1628, with questions about the major.
These resources can help facilitate your transfer to Iowa: