Speech and Hearing Science Transfer Tips
Transfer students with an AA degree from a community college in Iowa or Black Hawk College in Illinois will enter the university having fulfilled all of the General Education Program requirements (except world language) in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
All students must complete the fourth level of a single world language as needed for Iowa's General Education Program.
University of Iowa students complete 12 courses specific to this major along with three courses in psychology, and one course each in linguistics, statistics, mathematics, biology, and physics or chemistry. These non-major courses can be applied to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education Requirement. The following required or substitute major UI courses can often be found at a community college and taken prior to transferring to the University of Iowa:
- PSY:1001 Elementary Psychology
- PSY:2301 Introduction to Clinical Psychology
or PSY:2930 Abnormal Psych: Health Professions
or PSY:3150 Psychology of Aging
or CSD/ASP/TR/NURS/SSW:1800 Aging Matters: Intro to Gerontology
- PSY:2401 Introduction to Developmental Science
- or PSQF:4106 Child Development
PSQF:1020/STAT:1020 Elementary Statistics and Inference
or PSQF:4143 Intro Stat Methods
or STAT:2010 Stat Methods and Computing
or STAT:3510 Biostatistics
MATH:1440 Math for Biological Sci.
or MATH:1460 Calc. for Biological Sci.
or MATH:1850 Calculus I
BIOL:1141 Human Biology: Health Professions
or BIOL:1411 Foundations of Biology
PHYS:1400 Basic Physics
or PHYS:1511 College Physics
or CHEM:1070 General Chemistry I
It is recommended that students considering transferring to this major do so before entering their junior year. Courses in the major are offered only once per academic year. Students transferring after their junior year with no completed coursework specific to speech-language pathology and audiology will not be able to complete all requirements for the degree in one academic year.
Admission to graduate programs in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology is competitive. Students with an overall GPA below a 3.40 may have difficulty being accepted into a graduate program.
These resources can help facilitate your transfer to Iowa:
For more information about this major contact Stewart McCauley, stewart-mccauley@uiowa.edu, director of undergraduate studies.