Theatre Arts Transfer Tips

Students can earn a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Theatre Arts.

  • The theatre major can be completed in two years after transferring to the UI but it is easier to complete in three.
  • Experience in theatre is helpful but no audition is required for admission. All interested students are welcome.
  • Transfer equivalency for major coursework is determined on a case by case basis.
  • Take the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education Requirements during the year prior to transferring.
  • Complete, or begin to complete, the world language requirement as needed for Iowa’s General Education Program.
  • Students must earn a minimum of 24 credit hours in the UI departments of theatre, dance, or music.
  • Check out the theatre website for further information.
  • Students attending Kirkwood CC, Indian Hills CC, or Iowa Central CC who plan to complete their AA degree should consider the 2 Plus 2 Guaranteed Graduation Plan.

Use the 2 Plus 2 website and the Online Equivalency Guide to determine appropriate transfer course equivalencies. Transfer students with an AA degree from an Iowa or Illinois community college will enter the university having fulfilled all of the General Education CORE Program requirements (except World Language and Understanding Cultural Perspectives) in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. 

Prospective transfer students should contact the University of Iowa Office of Admissions, 319-335-1566, for information about applying.

Prospective majors may contact Main Office, 319-335-2700, or Megan Gogerty,, 319-353-2409, Undergraduate Coordinator, with questions.

These resources can help facilitate your transfer to Iowa: