Iowa stands as one of the foremost literary destinations in the world. Faculty and alumni like Kurt Vonnegut, Flannery O’Connor, and John Irving all found inspiration while working with the legendary Iowa Writers’ Workshop. This established Iowa City as America’s first UNESCO City of Literature, one of only 28 in the world today. That passion and strength in writing will influence everything you do at Iowa, whether it is writing a screenplay, forming a press release, or distinguishing yourself from other job candidates with an amazing cover letter.
Writing, Communications, Literature, and Media

In the vast international arena of film and television production, creative opportunities abound for students who combine artistry and creativity with a solid education in film theory, criticism, and production techniques. A degree in Cinema can be the foundation for a future career as a filmmaker, location manager, editor, camera assistant, writer, producer, casting agent, researcher, or educator.
Communication Studies
The need for communication skills has never been more critical. Employers consistently cite communication skills as a major requirement for success in professional careers. A major in Communication Studies can help you acquire and learn to use those skills effectively.
Students of Communication Studies learn to analyze written, oral, visual, and electronic messages from historical, critical, and social science perspectives. They also learn to produce such messages as a means of artistic and functional expression.

They study the major literary movements and genres in British, American, and global literature in English and learn about the many dimensions of literature and how it is created and circulates in the world.

English and Creative Writing
They study the major literary movements and genres in British, American, and global literature in English and learn the many dimensions of literature and how it is created and circulates in the world.
Journalism and Mass Communication
Journalists work in all sorts of media and industries. You'll find them practicing strategic communication as they work in advertising, public relations, marketing, and in areas such as health care, politics, gaming, and entertainment. They report and write about all kinds of news and information in today’s rapidly expanding communications media. The need for communication specialists in almost every company, institution, and organization provides endless possibilities for the profession.
Screenwriting Arts
The major in Screenwriting Arts complements and builds on the longstanding, renowned creative writing tradition at Iowa.
Students will learn practical skills and knowledge needed to become successful members of the screenwriting industry, but also study the history and theories related to screenwriting, thereby encouraging writing and the production of cinema to rise to the level of art.
Translation majors learn to critically think about the art and craft that is converting written materials from one language to another. Students will come to understand the role Translation has in areas such as world languages, literature, and global affairs. Engagement in Translation offers the opportunity to interact and collaborate with like-minded peers.