International Baccalaureate (IB)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA): 5/7.0
English Language Proficiency requirement depends on your country of citizenship.

Mathematics: applications and interpretation (SL) will not meet the pre-calculus requirement for direct admission to the College of Engineering.

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE or IGCSE):

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA): Minimum of 5 passing grades on core academic subjects with a B average or 6/9. Academic subjects are mathematics, science, language, and social science courses.

  • Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) is not sufficient to meet the College of Nursing’s physics requirement to be considered for direct admission. Applicants must have an O or A Level exam in Physics.
  • Please provide all exam certificates issued by the exam board(s) in your Admissions Profile in MyUI in order to be considered for admission.

English Language Proficiency requirement depends on your country of citizenship.

Requirements by country


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauria (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency Requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Deftese Pjekurie (Certificate of Maturity) or Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore (Diploma of State Matura)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Prior to 1970: 4/5
Since 1970: 7/10 or shtate

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

American Samoa

Name of final diploma/certificate:
High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Please contact for more information.


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Batxillerat (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
French Education System: 12/20
Spanish Education System: 6/10 for Grade 9 and 10 & 7/10 for Grades 11 and 12

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificado de Habilitação Literária (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), General Certificate Education Ordinary Levels, General Certification of Education Advanced Levels, Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
CXC Certificate of Secondary Education: II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest) 

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Antigua and Barbuda

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), General Certificate Education Ordinary Levels, General Certification of Education Advanced Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
CXC Certificate of Secondary Education : II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest) 

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachiller (Upper Secondary Graduate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 1992: 7/10.0 or Bueno
Alternative: 6/10.0 or Bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Araratian Baccalaureate, Mijnakarg Krtutyan Attestat (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education), Hasunutian Vkaiakan (Certificate of Maturity)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/5 or լավ or хорошо
Alternate: 15/20

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (Higher General Secondary Education Diploma), Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (University Preparatory Education Diploma) 

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/10.0 or Ruim Voldoende or Amply Satisfactory

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
ACT (Australian Capital Territory) Senior Secondary Certificate
NSW (New South Wales) Higher School Certificate
Northern Territory Certificate of Education
Queensland Senior Certificate
South Australian Certificate of Education
Tasmanian Certificate of Education
Victorian Certificate of Education
Western Australian Certificate of Education

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Australian Captial Territory: B or High Achievement
New South Wales: Band 4/6 or 70/90 HSC Marks
Northern Territory: B, 14/20, or High Achievement
Queensland: HA or High Achievement
South Australia: B or 14/20 or High Achievement
Tasmania: HA, High Achievement, or 9/20
Victoria: B or High
Western Australia: B, Next 20%, or High Achievement

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Australian External Territories

Territories include: Ashmore and Cartier Islands, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Coral Sea Islands, Australian Antarctic Territory, Territory of the Heard and McDonald Islands, and Norfolk Island.

Please contact for more information.


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Reifezeugnis (Maturity Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
2/5 (where 1 is the highest) or gut
Secondary Certificate & Graduate Grading Scale: mit gutem erfolg or with distinction

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Completion of Certificate of Complete Secondary Education 

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
70/100% or yaxʂi

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
The Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education, General Certificate Education Ordinary Levels, General Certification of Education Advanced Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Bahamas General Certificate: C
Bahamas Junior Certificate (1994 and after): C
Bahamas Junior Certificate (prior to 1994): C


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Tawjahiya (Secondary School Certificate), Shehaadat al-thaanawiya al-'aama (General Certificate of Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
45/100% or second division

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Bailiwick of Guernsey

Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Bailiwick of Jersey

Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CXC or CSEC), General Certification of Education Ordinary Levels, General Certificate Education Advanced Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
CXC Certificate of Secondary Education Six-Point (May/June 1998 to Present): II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificate of (Complete) Secondary Education

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2000: 6/10 or Добра
Prior to 2000: 4/5 or Добра

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (Certificate of Higher Secondary Education), Diplôme d’Aptitude à Accéder à l’Enseignement Supérieur, Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs (Certificate of Higher Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
70/100% or 14/20 or distinction or onderscheiding or Distinction

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CXC or CSEC), General Certificate Education Ordinary Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
CXC Certificate of Secondary Education Six-Point (May/June 1998 to Present): II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien or Good Enough

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bermuda Secondary School Certificate, General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
American-patterned schools: B
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate, Indian School Certificate (Via the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
BCSE: 5/9 or credit (where 1 is the highest)
Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (from 2010 onwards): 5/9 or credit (where 1 is the highest)
Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (prior to 2010): 6/9 (where 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachiller; Bachiller en Humanidades (Upper Secondary Graduate; Upper Secondary Graduate in Humanities)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
100-Point (effective 2013): 64/100% or bueno
7-Point: 5/7 or bueno (where 7 is the highest)
5-Point (1969-1972): 4/5 or muy bueno (where 5 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificate (Svedočanstvo or Svjedočanstvo) or Diploma (Diploma) of Completion of Secondary Education 

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
3/5 or dobar

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education, Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma/Certificado de Ensino Médio (Certificate of Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Alternative I & II: 7.0/10.0
Alternative III: Bom
Alternative IV: Média Superior (MS)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

British Indian Ocean Territory

Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE), General Certificate Education Ordinary Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

British Virgin Islands

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), General Certificate Education O Levels, High School Certificate, Secondary School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC): II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Brunei-Cambridge General Certificate Education Ordinary Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Second Class Honours or Lower Division

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/6.0 or добър
GPA Reference Scale: 3.50/6.00 or добър or Dobur

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Burkina Faso

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat/Diplome de Bachelier de ľEnseignement du Second Degre 

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diplôme des Humanités Générales (Diploma of General Humanities), Certificat des Humanités Générales (Certificate of General Humanities), Diplôme ďEtat (Last Awarded in 2016)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
70/100% or grande distinction or High Distinction

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Cabo Verde

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificado da Habilitações Literárias (Certificate of Literary Qualifications)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
C or Good

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate), Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire (Bachelor of Secondary Education), Cameroon General Certificate of Education Ordinary Levels, Cameroon General Certificate of Education Advanced Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Francophone System: 12/20.0 or assez bien
Anglophone System (Ordinary or Advanced Levels): Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with Grades A, B, or C

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Alberta: General High School Diploma, Advanced High School Diploma
British Columbia: Secondary School Graduation Diploma
Manitoba: Manitoba High School Diploma
New Brunswick: New Brunswick High School Graduation Diploma
Newfoundland and Labrador: High School Graduation Diploma
Northwest Territories: High School Graduation Diploma, School Leaving Certificate
Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma
Nunavut: High School Graduation Diploma
Ontario: Secondary School Graduation Diploma (SSGD), Secondary School Honours Graduation Diploma (SSHGD), Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
Prince Edward Island: Senior Secondary School Diploma
Quebec: Certificate of Graduation, Attestation d'études collégiales (AEC) / Attestation of College Studies (ACS), or Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC - Diploma
of Collegial Studies)
Saskatchewan: Record of Secondary Level Standing
Yukon: High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Alberta: 3/4 or 65%
British Columbia: B or 73/100%
Manitoba: 70/100%
New Brunswick: 70/100%
Newfoundland and Labrador: 65/100%
Northwest Territories: 65/100%
Nova Scotia: 70/100%
Nunavut: 65/100%
Ontario: 70/100%
Prince Edward Island: 70/100%
Quebec: 80/100%
Saskatchewan: 70/100%
Yukon: 73/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Cayman Islands

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CXC or CSEC), General Certificate Education O Levels, International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
CXC Certificate of Secondary Education Six-Point: II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Central African Republic

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Licencia de Educación Media (Diploma/License of Middle Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5/7.0 or bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Upper Middle School Graduation Certificate or High School Graduate Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
When D is awarded: 80/100%
When D is not awarded: 75/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Título de Bachiller Académico (Academic Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Scale I: 7.5/10 or alto

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement du Second Degré (Baccalaureate of Second Level Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diplôme ďEtat ďEtudes Secondaires du Cycle Long (State Diploma of Long Cycle Secondary Studies)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or 70/100% or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Republic of the Congo

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Cook Islands

Name of final diploma/certificate:
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 or the New Zealand Scholarship Qualification, Form 7 (Higher School Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Prior to 2000: Achievement with Merit or M
1965-85: B or 65/100%
1986-92: B1 or 56/100%
Since 1993: B or 65/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Costa Rica

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma de conclusion de estudios de educacion diversificada or Bachillerato (Certificate of Conclusion of Diversified Education Studies)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
80/100% or 8/10

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Cote d'Ivoire

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat/Diplôme de Bachelier de ľEnseignement du Second Degré/Baccalauréat Technique (Baccalaureate/Diploma of Baccalaureate of Second Level Study/Technical Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Svjedožba o Završnom Ispitu (Final Exam Certificate), Svjedožba o Završnom Srednjem Obrazovanju/ Svjedožba Mature (Maturity Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
3/5.0 or dobar

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachiller (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
80/100% or aprovechado

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Lise Diplomasi (Secondary School Diploma), Apolyterion from a Lykion (Certificate of Completion)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
16/20 or 7/10

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Czech Republic

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Lise Diplomasi (Secondary School Diploma), Apolyterion from a Lykion (Certificate of Completion)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
16/20 or 7/10

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bevis for højere forberedelseeksamen (Higher Preparatory Certificate), Studentereksamen (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2007: 7/12
Prior to 2007: 9/13

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CXC or CSEC), General Certificate Education O Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
CXC Certificate of Secondary Education Six-Point: II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Dominican Republic

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachillerato (High/Secondary School Diploma), Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras (High/Secondary School Diploma in Science & Letters)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
80/100% or muy bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
8/10.0 or bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificate of Nile International Secondary Education (CNISE), Thanawiya a'Amma (General Secondary Education Certificate), Shehadet Thanawiya Azharia (Al Azhar Secondary Education Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:

El Salvador

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachiller/Bachillerato, Diploma de Educación Media, The Título de Bachiller en … / Título de Bachillerato en … , Bachiller/Bachillerato General, Título de Bachillerato

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/10.0 or bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Equatorial Guinea

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachillerato (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
6/10.0 or bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate Examination (ESECE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B, 3/4, or 65/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Gumnaasiumi Loputunnistus (High School Graduation Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5-Point Scale: 4/5.0
6-Point Scale: 3/5.0

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level, Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Secondary School Leaving Examination (SSLE), Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
EGSEC Grade 10: 80/100%
Ethiopian University Entrance Examination (EUEE) (2010-present): 70/100%
Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE) (2003-2010): 50/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)

Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Faroe Islands

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bevis for højere forberedelseeksamen (Higher Preparatory Certificate), Studentereksamen (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2007: 7/12
Prior to 2007: 9/13

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Form 7 Certificate/Higher School Certificate, Fiji School Leaving Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5/9 (where 1 is the highest)
Seventh Form Examination: 65/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Lukion päättötodistus/Avgångsbetyg från gymnasiet (General Upper Secondary Education Certificate), Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentsexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
8/10 or Hyvä or Goda
Vocational Education (since 2008): 2/3 or Hyvä or Goda insikter (where 3 is the highest)
Upper-Secondary Vocational (prior to 2008): 3/5 or Hyvä or Goda insikter (where 5 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Second Degré/Baccalauréat Général (Baccalaureat)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

French Guiana

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Second Degré/Baccalauréat Général (Baccalaureat)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

French Polynesia

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Second Degré/Baccalauréat Général (Baccalaureat)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

The Gambia

Name of final diploma/certificate:
West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) overseen by West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate (WAEC)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
WASSCE (since 1998): Grade B4 (where Grade A1 is the highest)
Untill 1998: Grade 4 (where Grade 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Sashualo Skolis Atesti (Secondary School Certificate), Sashualo Specialuri Sastsavieblis Diplomi (Diploma from Special Secondary School)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Scale I: 8/10 or kargi
Scale II: 5/7

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Abitur (Certificate of General University Maturity), Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Certificate of General Maturity for Higher Education), Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife (Certificate of Maturity for Universities of Applied Sciences)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
2/6 (where 1 is the highest) or 10/15 or gut

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
West African Senior School Certificate Examination A Level & O Level (WASSCE) overseen by the West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate (WAEC)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
WASSCE (since 2006): Grade C4 (where Grade A1 is the highest)
SSSC (until 2006): Grade C or 3/5 (where 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Apolytirio Eniaiou Lykeiou (Upper Secondary School Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bevis for højere forberedelseeksamen (Higher Preparatory Certificate), Studentereksamen (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2007: 7/12 or 8/13 or CC
Prior to 2007: 9/13 or good

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate, General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
CXC Certificate of Secondary Education Six-Point (1998-present): II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Second Degré/Baccalauréat Général (Baccalaureat)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras (Baccalaureate in Sciences and Letters)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2010: 70/100 or Bueno
2007 to 2010: 80/100 or Muy Bueno
Prior to 2007: 70/100 or Bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat Première Partie (Baccalaureate First Part), Baccalauréat Deuxième Partie (Baccalaureate Second Part)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certidão (de 2° ano), onze anos de escolaridade (Certificate of 2nd Year), Certidão (de 3° ano) doze anos de escolaridade (Certificate of 3rd year), Certificado de Conclusao do Ensino Secundrio (Certificate of Conclusion of Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate, General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
CXC Certificate of Secondary Education Six-Point (1998-present): II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificat de Fin ďEtudes Secondaires Classiques, Baccalauréat II (Certificate of Completion of Classical Secondary Studies, Second Cycle, Part II), Diplôme de Fin d’Études Secondaires (Diploma of Completion of Secondary Studies)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificado de Estudios (transcript) showing completion of Bachillerato

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2013: 81/100% or Muy Satisfactorio
Prior to 2013: 80/100% or muy bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Hong Kong

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Hong Kong Certificate Of Education Examination (HKCEE; awarded until 2011), Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Core & Category A: 4/5
Category B: Attained With Distinction
Category C: A, B or C

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Maturity Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5-Point Scale: 4/5 (jó)
3-Point Scale: 3/3 (kivaloan megfelelt) (where 3 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Stúdentspróf (Upper Secondary School Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
All India and Delhi Senior School Certificate, Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)/Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), Indian School Certificate Examination, Intermediate Examination, Senior Secondary Certificate/Pre-University Certificate/Pre-Degree Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
General Grading Scale: 61/100, Grade B2, 7/10 (where 10 is the highest)
CBSE: 61/100, B2, 7/10 (where 10 is the highest), 4/5 (where 5 is the highest)
CISCE Standard X: 50/100% or Second Class, 5/9 (where 1 is the highest) or Credit, B or Good
CISCE Standard XII: 50/100% or Second Class, 6/0 (where 1 is the highest) or Credit, B or Good

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Surat Tanda Tanat Belajar (STTB) from Sekolah Menengah Unum Tingkat Atas (SMA)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma (Post-Reform Act of 2013), Diplom Payane Tahseelat-e Motevaseth (Certificate of Completion of Secondary School Studies), Peesh-daneshgahii (Pre-University Year)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Adadiyah (Sixth Form Baccalaureate/Preparatory Baccalaureate), Secondary School Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Ardteistiméireacht (Leaving Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Higher Level Subjects from 2017: H4 or 60/100%
Ordinary Level Subjects from 2017: O4 or 60/100%
Until 2017: B2 or 75/100%
National Certificate & National Diploma: 60/100% (merit)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Isle of Man

Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Teudat Bagrut (Matriculation Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
8/10 or 75/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma di Maturita/Diploma di Esame di Stato (Maturity Diploma/Diploma of State Examination)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Diploma de Maturita Since 1999: 76/100%
Diploma de Maturita Prior to 1999: 45/60

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
CXC Certificate of Secondary Education Six-Point (1998-present): II out of VI (2 out of 6)
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate–Academic)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Attestat (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
75/100% or 2.67/4.0 or жақсы or Хорошо

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B- or 8/12

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Form 7 Certificate, Higher School Certificate, Kiribati National Certificate, Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5/9 (where 1 is the highest) or 65/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Korea (Republic of South Korea)

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Inmungye Kodung Hakkyo (High School Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
80/100% or Wu
School Rank: 4/9 (where 1 is the highest) or 17%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diplomë për Kryerjen e Gjimnazit (Diploma of Completion of Gymnasium), Diplomë për Kryerjen e Shkollës së Mesmet të Përgjithshme-Gjimna (Diploma of Completion of General Secondary School-Gymnasium)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
3/5 (where 5 is the highest) or mirë or 8/10

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-A'ama (Secondary School Diploma)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Attestat (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/5.0 or хорошо or жакшы

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalaureat II (Baccalaureate II)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
14/20 (where 20 is the highest) or bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Atestats par Visparejo Videjo Izglitibu (Certificate of General Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/10.0 or labi

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat Libanaise (Lebanese Baccalaureate), Baccalauréat Part II (Baccalauréat Part II), Shahaadat Al-Bakaalouriya al Lubnaaniya l’il-ta ’liim al-Thaanawi, Al-Bakaalouriya al-Fanniya

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20 (where 20 is the highest) or assez bien
60/100% or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Cambridge Overseas School Certificate, Lesotho General Certificate of Secondary Education (LGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
C, 70/100% or 4.0/5.0

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
West African Examination Council (WAEC) Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
WASSCE since 2013: Grade C4 (where Grade A1 is the highest)
WAECSSC until 2013: Grade 4 (where Grade 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Secondary Education Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
195/260 or 247/330

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Matura (Maturity Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Brandos atestatas (Maturity Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/10.0 or gerai, pakankamai

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diplôme de Fin ďEtudes Secondaires (End of Secondary Studies Diploma)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
40/60 or bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Macau SAR, China

Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Levels), Hong Kong Certificate of Education (HKCE), Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination, Senior Secondary Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B, 2.70/4.0, or 16/20

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Malawi General Certificate of Education, Malawi School Certificate of Education

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
6/9.0 (where Grade 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), United Examination Certificate for Independent Chinese Schools in Malaysia (UEC), Sijil Tinggi Pelarajan Malaysia (STPM) (Malaysian Higher School Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2010:
SPM: B, 10/18 (where 18 is the highest), or Kepujian
STPM: B- or 2.67
UEC: B6 or 60/100%

Until 2010: 
MICSSUE & STPM: 4/9 (where 1 is the highest)
SRP/SPM/SVPM: 3/9 (where 1 is the highest) or Kapujian

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat Malien (Malian Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Matriculation Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B or Grade 4 (where Grade 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Marshall Islands

Name of final diploma/certificate:
High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B or 80/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificat de fin ďÉtudes Secondaires/Diplome du Baccalaureat General (Diploma of General Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diplome du Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate Diploma)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Second Degré, Baccalauréat Général

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificado de Bachillerato (Baccalaureate Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Federated States of Micronesia

Name of final diploma/certificate:
High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B or 80/100

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diplomă de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/10.0 or bine

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Général (General Education Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Buren Dund Bolovsrolun Unemlekh–if awarded after 11 or 12 years of education (бүрэн дунд боловсролын үнэмлэх), Gerchilgee School Leaving Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj školi, (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), General Certificate Education O Levels, Bachiller

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC): II out of VI (2 out of 6), or Good
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire (CES), Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificado de Habilitações Literarias

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Basic Education Examination/Matriculation Examination

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
50/100% or 4/5.0


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate Higher Level (since 2007)
Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary Level (since 2007)
Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education (HIGCSE)
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
Namibian Secondary School Certificate (NSSC)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)
NSSCH: 3/4.0 (where 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Fiji School Leaving Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5/10 (where 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
School Leaving Certificate Examination (SLCE), Proficiency Certificate, Intermediate Certificate, Uttar Madhyama Examination Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2017: B, or 60/100%, or 2.8/4.0
Alternative: 45/100% or second division

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) Diploma (Diploma of Senior General Secondary Education), Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (MBO) Diploma, Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) Diploma (Diploma of University Preparatory Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/10.0 or Ruim Voldoende or Amply Satisfactory

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Netherlands Antilles

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Voobereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (Diploma of University Preparatory Education), Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (Diploma of Senior General Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
8/10.0 or goed

English Language Proficiency requirement:

New Caledonia

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificat de fin ďÉtudes Secondaires/Diplome du Baccalaureat General (Diploma of General Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

New Zealand

Name of final diploma/certificate:
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 or the New Zealand Scholarship Qualification, Form 7 (Higher School Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Prior to 2000: Achievement with Merit or M
1965-85: B or 65/100%
1986-92: B1 or 56/100%
Since 1993: B or 65/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachiller Técnico, Bachillerato en Ciencias, Bachillerato en Humanidades, Diploma de Maestro de Educación Primaria, Técnico Medio

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2010: 76/100% or aprendizaje satisfactorio (AS)
1989 until 2009: 80/100% or muy bueno
1980 unti 1989: 71/100% or muy bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diplôme de Bachelier de ľEnseignement du Second Degré (Diploma of Baccalaureate of Secondary Education), Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate (WAEC), National Examinations Council (NECO) Senior School Certificate, West African School Certificate and General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level ("GCE O-levels")

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 1999: Grade C4 (where Grade A1 is the highest) 
Until 1999: Grade 4 (where Grade 1 is the highest)

For applicants who’ve sat an exam from 1999 onwards, please send your qualifications through the WAEC Digital Certificate Platform.

Go to the West African Examinations Council Digital Certificate website and follow the steps for sharing your documents with the University of Iowa. Click on the Request For Confirmation button and share your documents with  

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Form 7 Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5/9 (where Grade 1 is the highest)
B or 65/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:

North Macedonia

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Svidetelstvo za zavrsheno sredno obrazovanie OR Свидетелство за завршено средно образование (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
3/5.0 or Добар or Dobar

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Norfolk Island

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Final High School Diploma or Certificate (no specific name)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B, 4/5.0

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Northern Mariana Islands

Name of final diploma/certificate:
High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B or 80/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Vitnemål for videregående opplæring/The Vitnemål Fra Videregående Skole (Certificate of upper secondary school)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4 (fire) (where 6 is the highest)
24.3% or tilfredsstillende (tf.)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Thanawiya Amma, General Secondary School Certificate (ثانوية عامة)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
50/100% or second class

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B or 80/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma de Bachiller (Upper Secondary School Diploma/Baccalaureate), The Diploma de Educación Media (Baccalaureate Diploma)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B, 81/100%, 4/5.0, or Bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
70/100% or جيد

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Papua New Guinea

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Higher School Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5/0 (where 1 is the highest) or satisfactory

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachiller Humanístico-scientífico (Upper Secondary Graduate in Humanities & Science)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
3/5 or regular/bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachillerato Académico (Academic Baccalaureate), Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa (Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
High School Diploma (Form 137A)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Pitcairn Islands

Name of final diploma/certificate:
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 or the New Zealand Scholarship Qualification, Form 7 (Higher School Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Prior to 2000: Achievement with Merit or M
1965-85: B or 65/100%
1986-92: B1 or 56/100%
Since 1993: B or 65/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
The Świadectwo dojrzalości liceum ogólnokształcącego (Maturity Certificate of the General Lyceum)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Sine Fall 1991: 4/6 or dobry
Prior to Fall 1991: 4/5 or dobry

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma de Ensino Secundário (Diploma of Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
14/20.0 or bom

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Puerto Rico

Name of final diploma/certificate:
High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
B or 80/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Al-Thanawiya Aama Qatari (General Secondary School Certificate/High School Diploma)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Attestat o Srednem Obschchem Obrazonvanii (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education), Certificate of General Secondary Education

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien


Name of final diploma/certificate:
The Diplomă de absolvire (Graduation Diploma)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/10.0 or şapte or bine

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Attestat o srednem (polnom) obschem obrazovanii (Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education/Аттестат о среднем (полном) общем образовании)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/5.0 or xорошо

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diplôme de Fin ďEtudes Secondaires (End of Secondary Studies Diploma), Rwanda National Examination Council Advanced Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Ordinary Level: 6/9 (where 1 is the highest)
Advanced Level: 8/11 (where 11 is the highest) or 70/100%
Advanced Level c.2011: C or 4/6.0

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Saint Barthelemy

Please contact for more information.

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha

Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CXC or CSEC), General Certification of Education Ordinary Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC): II out of VI (2 out of 6), or Good
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Saint Lucia

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CXC or CSEC), General Certification of Education Ordinary Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC): II out of VI (2 out of 6), or Good
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Second Degré/Baccalauréat Général (Baccalaureat)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CXC or CSEC), General Certification of Education Ordinary Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC): II out of VI (2 out of 6), or Good
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat Technique (Baccalaureate/Technical Baccalaureate), Brevet de Technicien (Technician Diploma), Certificat Elémentaire ďAptitude Pédagogique (CEAP) (Certificate of Elementary Teaching Ability)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/9.0 (where 1 is the highest)
B or 56/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:

San Marino

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma di Maturità (Maturity Diploma)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
3/4.0, 7/10.0, 44/60

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Sao Tome and Principe

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certidão de 12ª (Certificate of 12th Grade)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
14/20.0 (where 20 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Saudi Arabia

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Shahadat Al-Marhalat Al-Thanawiyyat (General Secondary Education Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Scottish Baccalaureate, Scottish Certificate of Education Advanced Higher, Scottish Certificate of Education Higher, Scottish Certificate of Education Standard Grade

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
3/7.0 (where 1 is the highest); 60/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat Technique (Baccalaureate/Technical Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 (where 20 is the highest) or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi (Diploma of Acquired Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/9.0 (where 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Sierra Leone

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Senior School Certificate, West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) overseen by West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate (WAEC)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2000: B4 (where A1 is the highest)
Until 2000: Grade 4 (where Grade 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary 'O' Level Examination

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCE-N: 3/9.0 (where 1 is the highest)
GCE O-Levels:  4/9.0 (where 1 is the highest)
GCE A-Levels: C

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Sint Maarten

Please contact for more information.

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške / Maturitné Vysvedčenie (Certificate of Maturity Examination from a gymnázium)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
2/5.0 (where 1 is the highest) or chvátilebný

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Maturitetno spričevalo (Maturity Examination Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
3/5.0 (where 5 is the highest) or dobro or uspešno

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Solomon Islands

Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Shahaadada Dugsiga Sare (Secondary School Leaving Certificate), Somaliland Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:

South Africa

Name of final diploma/certificate:
National Senior Certificate, Senior Certificate with Matriculation Endorsement/Exemption

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2008: 5/7.0 (where 7 is the highest) or 60/100%
Pre 2008: 4/6.0 (where 6 is the highest) or C or 60/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:

South Sudan

Please contact for more information.

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Título de Bachiller (Title of Bachiller)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Grade 10: 6/10.0 (where 10 is the highest) or bien
Grade 11-12 & Exam: 7/10.0 (where 10 is the highest) or notable

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Sri Lanka

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education O Levels

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
C or 55/100%
O-Level: C or 50/100%
A-Level: C or 50/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Sudan Secondary School Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Academic Programs: 80/100% or muy bueno
Technical Programs: 71/100% or muy bueno

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) (General Upper Secondary School Certificate), The Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs/VWO (University Preparatory Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
8/10.0 (where 10 is the highest) or goed

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Avgångsbetyg från Gymnasieskole or Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskole (Leaving Certificate), The Högskoleförberedande Examen

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 2011: C
Post 1994: väl godkänd (VG)
Until 1994: 4/5.0

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Eidgenössisch anerkannte Kantonale Maturität or Maturité cantonal reconnu par la Confédération, Eidgenössisches Maturität, Maturité fédérale, Baccalauréat or Maturità federale, Maturità cantonale riconosciuta dalla Confederazione

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5/6.0 (where 6 is the highest) or gut or bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Al-Shahâda Al Thânawiyya-Al'Amma (Baccalaureate/General Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Senior High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Attestat o Srednem Obschchem Obrazonvanii (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education) , Shahodatnoma Dar Borai Tahsiloti Miyonai Umumj (Certificate of General Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/5.0 or хорошо

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE), East Africa General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
D/4 (where Grade A/1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Matayom VI (Certificate of Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
3/4.0 or 70/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Please contact for more information.

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire 2ème Partie (Secondary Education Baccalaureate 2nd Part)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 or the New Zealand Scholarship Qualification, Form 7 (Higher School Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Prior to 2000: Achievement with Merit or M
1965-85: B or 65/100%
1986-92: B1 or 56/100%
Since 1993: B or 65/100%

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Higher School Certificate/Form 7, Pacific Senior Secondary Examination/Form 6

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
5/9 (where 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Trinidad and Tobago

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC): II out of VI (2 out of 6), or Good
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Lise Diplomasi (General Secondary School/Lyceum Diploma)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Since 1998: 70/100%, or 4/5.0, or iyi
Used Through 1997: 7/10.0 or iyi

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Attestat or Attestation of Middle (Complete) Secondary Education

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/5.0 or хорошо

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Turks and Caicos Islands

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), General Certificate of Education Ordinary level (GCE O-Level)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC): II out of VI (2 out of 6), or Good
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Uganda Certificate of Education

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
6/9.0 (where 1 is the highest) or B
Advanced Certificate: C

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Atestat (Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education or Matriculation Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/10.0 (where 12 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

United Arab Emirates

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Shahadat Al-Thanawiya Al-Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):

English Language Proficiency requirement:

United Kingdom

Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level), International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
GCSE: Minimum of 5 Passing Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9 (where a grade of 9 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:

United States

Name of final diploma/certificate:
High School Diploma

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Percentage Scale I: 80/100%
Percentage Scale II: 85/100%
Percentage Scale III: 83/100%Grades on Core Academic Subjects with a B average or 6/9

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachiller Diversificado de Enseñanza Secundaria (ANEP FORMULA A) [Graduate of Diversified Upper Secondary Education]

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/12.0 (where 12 is the highest) or bueno - muy bueno (B.B.MB.)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
O'rta Ma'lumot To'g'risida Shahodatnoma (Certificate of Secondary Education)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/5.0 or yahshi or khorosho

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
New Zealand Entrance and Bursary Examinations, Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
Please contact for more information.

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Vatican City (Holy See)

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Completion of Secondary School Outside Vatican City

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
24/30 (where 30 is the highest), or 8/10.0 (where 10 is the highest), or 80/100%, or 14/20 (where 20 is the highest), or Cum Laude


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bachiller en Ciencias/Humanidades/Artes (Upper Secondary Graduate in Science/Humanities/Art), Título de Educación Media General en Ciencias/Humanidades/Artes (Title of Upper Secondary Education in Science/Humanities/Arts)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
13/20.0 (where 20 is the highest) or sobresaliente

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Học Phổ Thông (Senior High School Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
7/10.0 (where 10 is the highest) or khá

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Wallis and Futuna

Name of final diploma/certificate:
Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Second Degré/Baccalauréat Général (Baccalaureat)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
12/20.0 or assez bien

English Language Proficiency requirement:

Western Sahara

Please contact for more information.

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Al Thanawiya (ii) (General Secondary Education Certificate)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
80/100% or 561/700

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
Zambian School Certificate Examination, General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/9.0 (where 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement:


Name of final diploma/certificate:
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level, Cambridge Higher School Certificate (HSC)

Minimum average overall grade requirement on core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language, and social science courses (grade is comparable to U.S. grade of a B or 3.0 GPA):
4/9.0 (where 1 is the highest)

English Language Proficiency requirement: