John Kundel

Admission Counselor - St. Louis Regional Representative

What would people be surprised to know about you?

Last Fall I slid down an 1800 feet long zipline…the longest in Arkansas.

My favorite thing about working in Admissions

In Admissions, you get to meet and know many different types of interesting people. I take pride in assisting them make decisions about their education and future careers.

Iowa City “Must Do and Must See” Locations

Everyone needs to experience Kinnick Stadium for football games; go to Hancher Auditorium productions and make at least one trip to the “Black Angel” in Oakland Cemetery.

What makes Iowa such a great place?

People from Iowa, Iowa City and the University of Iowa have always been known for their work ethic, honesty and integrity. I am proud to be an Iowan!

Ayrshire, IA
B.A., History, 1969, The University of Iowa;
M.A., Higher Education Administration, 1974, The University of Iowa