Miles Kramer

Admission Counselor

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I’m currently learning Chinese! My area of historical study is late imperial China, so I’m always trying to improve my ability to read documents in both Simplified and Traditional Chinese and interact with native speakers.

My favorite thing about working in Admissions

My favorite thing about working in admissions is learning about all the different programs and careers that prospective students are interested in; it’s great to be able to look forward and think about all the things they’ll be able to accomplish.

Iowa City “Must Do and Must See” Locations

For people who love movies, I highly recommend checking out FilmScene, our local nonprofit cinema! Its locations are within walking distance of campus, and it offers all kinds of exciting showings throughout the year.

What makes Iowa such a great place?

My favorite part of living in Iowa City is how welcoming its community is. I’ve met wonderful people from all over the world during my time here, and I really value the relationships I’ve built as an undergraduate student and continue to build as I work with the Admissions office.

Illinois, Iowa
Miles Kramer
Mason City, IA
BA, History, University of Iowa