The English and Creative Writing major enables students to learn the historical and traditional aspects of English literature and its relation to the craft of writing. The major provides the transferable skills important for a liberal arts major, including the ability to think strategically, read complex texts with comprehension, and master writing and speaking skills at an advanced level.
Student Responsibilities
Review the responsibilities required to become and remain eligible for the 2 Plus 2 Guaranteed Graduation Plan.
Kirkwood Community College checkpoints
- Complete the fourth level of a single world language as needed for Iowa's General Education Program.
- The following courses will be accepted, up to four total:
- ENG 221 Creative Writing
- ENG 225 Creative Writing: Poetry
- ENG 233 Creative Writing: Short Fiction
- ENG 235 Creative Writing: Play/Screen
- ENG 238 Creative Writing: Nonfiction
- ENG 240 Advanced Creative Writing
- ENG 245 Advanced Creative Writing: Short Fiction
- ENG 275 Edit Literary Magazine
- ENG 290 Lit Mag Layout/Production
- LIT 203 Forms Lit: Story Cycle
- LIT 204 Forms Lit: Nonfiction
- LIT 205 Forms Lit: Drama
- LIT 206 Forms Lit: Fiction
- LIT 207 Forms Lit: Poetry
- LIT 209 Forms Lit: Film Adaptation
- LIT 222: Lit & Culture: American Dreams
- LIT 224 Lit & Culture: Women & Work
- LIT 225 Lit Themes: Bey Bartlbey
- LIT 226 Lit Themes: Search Identity
- LIT 227 Lit & Culture: World Poetry
- Complete all requirements for the AA degree.
- When transferring to Iowa, present a cumulative transfer grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.00 from all colleges attended.
University of Iowa Checkpoints
- Complete ENGL:2010 Foundation of the English Major: Histories, Literatures, Pleasures and ENGL: 2020 Foundations of Creative Writing: Craft, Practice, Pleasure during your first year of enrollment at Iowa.
- Complete the UI courses required for this major, as specified in the UI General Catalog.
- Complete at least 30 semester hours needed for your major and degree during each of your two years at Iowa. (A total of 36 semester hours is required for the English and Creative Writing major and 120 semester hours for the BA degree.)
A current schedule of UI courses is available online via Iowa Student Information Services (MyUI).