The Elementary Education program at the University of Iowa will prepare you to be an outstanding K-6 teacher.
Our program emphasizes learning as a human right and nurtures creative, responsive, and reflective teachers who challenge their students to become global citizens in a diverse, ever-changing world.
Throughout your time in the Elementary Education program you will learn how to be a confident, culturally-competent, and well-rounded elementary teacher, ready to help your students with their academic and emotional needs.
Review the responsibilities required to become and remain eligible for the 2 Plus 2 Guaranteed Graduation Plan. Summer Education courses will be required to complete degree within four years.
- Complete the general education World Languages requirement through one of three pathways: fourth level proficiency in a single language, third level plus a world language and cultural exploration course, second level of two different languages – with courses taken in high school, at an Iowa community college, or some combined thereof.
- Complete EDU 245 Exceptional Learner
- Complete EDU 240 Educational Psychology
- Complete MAT 117 Math for Elementary Teachers
- Complete MAT 156 Statistics
- Complete EDU 235 Children’s Literature
- Recommended six hours of science from two different content areas to fulfill licensure requirement
- Nine semester hours of Social Science content is required from two different departments that include ANTH, ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLI, PSY, and SOC. American History (HIST 151 or 152) and/or POL 111 American National Government are strongly recommended
- Complete all requirements for the AA degree
- When transferring to Iowa, present a cumulative transfer grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.7 from all colleges attended to assure admission to both the University and the Teacher Education Program
While still at community college—in addition to submitting a transfer application to the University of Iowa, students must apply to the Teacher Education Program. Teacher Education Program (TEP) application deadlines are earlier than University of Iowa transfer deadlines. There are no course prerequisites for admission to Elementary Education, but some or all of the courses listed above will be needed for timely graduation.
Transfer admissions to the Elementary Education TEP. are selective: Selection is determined by academic achievement as reflected in grade-point averages, aptitude as reflected by recommendations, and the ability of the Elementary Education Program to provide quality instruction and clinical field experiences. Admission to the University of Iowa TEP further requires documented completion of at least 10 hours of pre-admission field experience, and completion of a supplemental application.
- Complete the UI courses required for this major. Maintain College of Education and TEP academic and professional standards, which include 2.00 UI Cumulative Grade-Point-Average (GPA) and Overall Cumulative GPA, 2.70 TEP Major GPA, and grades of C-minus or better in TEP Major Courses.
- Complete at least 60 semester hours needed for your major and degree during your two years at Iowa. Summer Education courses will be required.
A current schedule of UI courses is available online via Iowa Student Information Services (MyUI).