Tuition and fees for undergraduate international students vary depending on your area of study. These cost estimates are based on full-time enrollment (12 or more semester hours) for the fall and spring semesters.

Estimated Costs for International Students, 2024–25
 Liberal Arts
& Sciences
Tuition & fees*$33,751$35,906$35,267$37,463
Living Expenses**12,92012,92012,92012,920
Health Insurance3,2503,2503,2503,250
Total (U.S.)$50,871$53,026$52,387$54,583

*Additional fees include a $604-881 technology fee (varies by college), $79 student activity fee, $84 student services fee, $133 student union fee, $135 building fee, $338 recreation facility fee, $34 arts and cultural events fee, $33 career services fee, $282 student health fee, $35 mental health fee, a $250 records and documents fee, a $250 international student fee, and a $120 international orientation fee.

**This cost is estimated, actual housing and food costs will vary by student.

English Proficiency Exam - All students subject to taking the English Proficiency Exam will be charged a $120 fee not included in the fees above, which covers the cost of the test, staffing, and scoring. This fee is assessed by the English As a Second Language program.

  • Business international students third- and fourth-year Business students pay $35,477 tuition.
  • Engineering international students second-, third-, and fourth-year Engineering students pay $34,929 tuition.

Billing & Payment Information

The University Billing Office generates bills on the first of each month. Contracted charges—including tuition, fees, room, and board—are billed June 1 for the Summer Session, August 1 for the Fall Semester, December 1 for the Winter Session, and January 1 for the Spring Semester.

Financial Aid

Scholarships for international students are competitive, and many are renewable for up to four years if adequate academic performance is maintained. However, because of the nature of federal and state funding for the University, international students do not qualify for need-based scholarships, grants, loans, or other funds administered by the Office of Student Financial Aid.


Many UI students hold on-campus jobs, and work opportunities are nearly always available. Most jobs pay about $8.20 per hour and entail work in a laboratory or in food service. You may be taxed for income earned in the United States. Money is deducted each pay period from most employees' paychecks for federal and state income taxes. The amount of the deduction varies greatly.

In general terms, students in F-1 and J-1 status are permitted to work on campus 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semester and 40 hours per week during school breaks when classes are not in session. Students in J-1 status must first receive written permission from the responsible office for their J-program to work on campus.

Note that F-1 and J-1 students are not eligible to work at jobs designated "Work-Study Program." After one year, F-1 students are eligible for off-campus internships related to their program of study. Off-campus employment is rarely allowed.