The sport and recreation management major prepares students for leadership in meeting the challenges of sport. Its comprehensive curriculum uses an integrative business approach and provides a collaborative environment for learning how to analyze and resolve challenges in the business and culture of sport locally, nationally, and internationally.
The major is appropriate for students who want to work with sport and club teams, intercollegiate and high school athletic programs, international sport organizations, national and international amateur sport organizations, community recreation, and firms specializing in sport marketing, sport sponsorship, and commercial fitness businesses.
Students interested in sport and recreation management learn skills for organizing, planning, and budgeting in a variety of settings. They prepare for work in positions such as activities director, community recreation specialist, campus recreation professional, and program coordinator in a park or recreation department.
Review the responsibilities required to become and remain eligible for the 2 Plus 2 Guaranteed Graduation Plan.
- Complete all requirements for the AA degree.
- Complete four semesters of the same world language (fourth-level proficiency).
- Complete 12 semester hours in the concentration area below:
- ACC 121 Principles of Accounting I
- ACC 122 Principles of Accounting II
- ECN 130 Principles of Microeconomics
- ECN 120 Principles of Macroeconomics
- BUS 185 Business Law I
- MGT 101 Principles of Management
- BCA 101 Introduction to Computer Information Systems
- When transferring to Iowa, present a cumulative transfer grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.00 from all colleges attended.
- During the first semester at Iowa, the student and faculty advisor should agree upon a plan of study and focus area for completing the major requirements.
- Complete the UI courses required for this major, as specified in the UI General Catalog.
- Complete at least half of the remaining semester hours needed for your major and degree during each of your two years at Iowa. (A total of 39 semester hours is required for the Sport and Recreation Management major and 120 semester hours for the BS degree.)
A current schedule of UI courses is available online via Iowa Student Information Services (MyUI).