The science studies BS major offers preparation for students considering jobs teaching science in schools or in informal learning settings such as park naturalists or museum educators.
The science studies BS major offers preparation for students considering jobs teaching science in schools or in informal learning settings such as park naturalists or museum educators. It also provides a foundation for advanced study in education, law, or certain health-related fields.
As a science studies major, you'll gain substantial knowledge in two or more science subjects: biology, chemistry, physics, or earth science. Your courses will provide experience in the application of scientific knowledge to education and society, and you will learn about cultural, historical, and philosophical perspectives on science.
The bachelor of science with major in sciences studies is awarded by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The program is guided by the College of Education's professors, clinical faculty, and staff, who provide students their expertise in the sciences, as well as in their own education research areas.
With a 10:1 student to faculty ratio, Iowa's education students enjoy a Big Ten university experience with a small-college feel. Faculty are on a first-name basis with our students and our program provides an enriched learning environment.
Students interested in the science studies major need to meet the requirements for admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.



Iowa graduates have an overall job placement rate of 95 percent. Our science teachers are 100 percent professionally employed after graduation.
Teaching is one of the few professions offering substantial choices in terms of job location, subject area, schedule, and type of school. Salaries vary by region and by school district.
Our Pomerantz Career Center offers multiple resources to help students find internships and jobs.
In addition to nearly 500 Student Organizations, Iowa students choose from more than 100 Study Abroad Programs and multiple Undergraduate Research Opportunities.
The University of Iowa provides a variety of scholarships to eligible undergraduate students through the Iowa Scholarship Portal. Scholarships are available to first-year, transfer, and currently enrolled students. For additional details on scholarships for your program of study, check directly with the department or college.
The Office of Admissions and the Office of Student Financial Aid are great resources for students seeking scholarships.
Students in science studies take 36-39 semester hours in the sciences, including courses in the application of science to education and society and a course in the cultural, historical, and philosophical perspectives on science.
Science studies majors also must complete the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) CORE general education requirements.
See Science Studies in the UI General Catalog to learn more about course requirements for this major.
Teaching Licensure
For future science teachers, science studies provides the foundation of science knowledge required for teacher licensure with options to prepare to teach biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics.
Science studies students who want to become teachers are guided by the program's professors, clinical faculty, and staff to complete the Teacher Education Program. Students then earn two bachelor degrees: Science Studies BS and Science Education BA.