Student Profiles

Ainsley Menning
"I was surprised by how broad the field of public health is and the variety of career opportunities in so many different areas at different levels that I could pursue."

Alison Bowers
"I love how downtown Iowa City is integrated with the college campus and everything is walkable and convenient. It's a great college town and a supportive community for students."
Aubrey McFadden
"I came in as an Open Major, and I found that everyone was more than willing to help me figure out what I wanted to do."

Audrey Balester
"It always felt like home, and I knew during my campus visit that I was meant to be a Hawkeye!"

Ava Rashid
"I love the way how everyone supports each other, and the professors care about their students. Everyone wants you to succeed. Iowa is a big university with a small town feel."

Cassie Elsberg
"Not only have I had chances to academically flourish, I have made life long friends with people from all over the country."

Claudia Witte
"I love the people I have met here, the opportunities that are available to me, and every staff and student's passion for what they do."

Delanie Reynolds
"My favorite thing about the University is probably how equipped I feel to tackle any challenge or opportunity that is available to me."

Duong (Jun) Le
"The thing that I love the most about Iowa City is the fact that it is a college town. You are surrounded by college students with the same ambitions, and we are all working hard towards our goals."

Elana Walters
"Iowa is one of the best public universities for my desired major, immediately setting it apart from any other places I might have been looking at in New York. The University of Iowa gave me the chance to be the best version of myself, and so far, that version has constantly been succeeding."
Elizabeth Mendoza
"What I like the most about Iowa is that there's always something going on. Whether it involves student orgs or events on the Pentacrest. There's always an opportunity to do something on campus."

Emma Lephart
"I loved the University had the "Big 10 energy," but is also one of the smaller Big 10 schools."
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